Can Facebook likes predict the purchase probability of electricity storage systems?

Kann man aus den Facebook-Likes die Big Five Persönlichkeitsmerkmale von Besitzern von Photovoltaik-Dachanlagen in Deutschland vorhersagen? Und sagen diese Vorhersagen etwas darüber aus, ob die User sich eine Stromspeicher-Batterie kaufen würden? Dazu gaben 159 Facebook-User, die auch Besitzer von Photovoltaikanlagen waren, die Erlaubnis, über eine App ihre gelikten Facebookseiten auslesen zu lassen. Die Ergebnisse waren nicht zufriedenstellend. Eine lineare Diskriminanzanalyse lieferte zwar brauchbare Ergebnisse, die allerdings keine Vorhersage zuließen sondern höchstens für eine ex-post Beschreibung nutzbar waren.

Mein Artikel "Can Facebook likes predict the purchase probability of electricity storage systems?" ist erschienen im Journal Social Network Analysis and Mining.


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Zitieren als:
Poier, S. (2021). Can Facebook likes predict the purchase probability of electricity storage systems? Social Network Analysis and Mining, 11, 79.



Can we predict the Big Five personality traits of owners of rooftop photovoltaic systems in Germany from Facebook likes? And do these predictions say anything about whether users would buy an electricity storage battery? To derive an answer to this question, 159 Facebook users who were also owners of photovoltaic systems gave permission to have an app read their liked Facebook pages. The results were not satisfactory. A linear discriminant analysis provided useful results, but did not allow any prediction. The results were at most usable for an ex-post description.

My article "Can Facebook likes predict the purchase probability of electricity storage systems?" has been published in the Journal Social Network Analysis and Mining.

Journal Website

Please cite as:
Poier, S. (2021). Can Facebook likes predict the purchase probability of electricity storage systems? Social Network Analysis and Mining, 11,79.
